Open Doors with Your God-given Writing Talents

Has God been prompting you to share a life-changing message? 

God equips each of us to accomplish His will for us. If God is calling you, He has a unique audience for you. No one else has the same experiences, training, and expertise you have. If you don’t share your message, how many will miss out?

Most of the people I work with find that writing a book is the first step to opening doors they never dreamed of walking through. Leaders know it takes diligence and persistence to get a book written and published. When you tell them you have written a book, they look at you differently than those who have not written one. People see you as a person of authority.

If you are looking for speaking engagements, being an author is an advantage in several ways. Those who have written a book have something important to say. As a Christian speaker and author your message is literally lifesaving. Not only that, but authors have already honed their message and are able to speak with clarity and give the audience actionable steps. Often companies are willing to pay you not only for speaking, but also for enough copies of your book to give one to each audience member.

I love helping people share their life-transforming stories. You can go from book idea to published author in six months or less. What doors are waiting to open for you? 

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